Sunday, December 03, 2006

Day Two:The Mailman And Bugs Bunny Slippers

Sorry folks. I tried like hell to put the mailman story down on paper, but I can’t. It was one of those “you had to be there” things. Let’s just say I was out walking my cat. If you read the piece about my cat you know that she can’t go out alone. So after meowing for about an hour at the front door, I bungle up and took her out. The street was deserted except for the mailman who was a few houses down. I had a two days growth of a beard, dressed in Batman pajamas, a huge winter coat, and giant furry bedroom slippers with Bugs Bunny’s face on the front of them. I was also pacing back and forth mumbling incoherently to myself. In short, I looked totally insane. And to make matters worse, this was not my usual mailman, so he had no idea who I was.
Anyway my cat got too close to the curb, so I suddenly screamed out “NO!” at top of my lungs. Seeing no animal or anyone else but me, the mailman, who was now on my step, stops dead. Completely startled he turned around and said, “Don’t you want your mail mister?”
See you had to be there.
So I made it though day two, with relative ease. As a matter of fact it’s been too easy. And I only chewed 7 pieces of the gum instead of the recommended 1 every hour.
I have a feeling a whopper is coming tomorrow. We shall see. I thank God that I didn’t have to leave the house. Maybe that’s why it’s easier this time.
BTW- I’m not shaving to punish Mike for forcing this on me. He hates when I don’t shave. In short I’m punishing him for trying to save my life. Maybe I did go crazy.