Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Flying With Hope And Prayer

The day is finally here. Our great day of hope. The most important election of our lifetimes. Rather then waste your time with words already written or words already said, I offer you a hope and a prayer. We all know what is at stake here. I need not remind anyone.
I hope that Diebold, or any other electronic voting system, won’t cripple this election. I know the problems are still there. A fact that, in itself, should bring every American out to vote. I hope that they don’t have the power to steal this one. This election will be monitored much more closely then the last. Over eight hundred lawyers will be dispersed to various polling centers. Foreign monitors are even coming in. So there is hope. Don’t let Diebold scare you into staying home.
The polls are all looking great for us. I see this as both a good and a bad thing.
I’m afraid that people will be lulled into a false sense of security by this and either let their guard down, or worse of all , not even bothering to vote at all.
I pray to you all do not let this happen. The most important advice I can offer you today is to vote. Each and every vote is important. And I hope each vote will be counted correctly.
I am not a praying man by nature. I can not prove there is a God, but my gut instant tells me that some form of higher power exists. I just don’t pretend to understand such a powerful entity. Maybe it’s as simple as God is love. And is in each and everyone one of us. Well most of us anyway. There are people so damaged and broken that love can not survive in their souls.
Some of these people now have almost total control of us. And if we don’t stop them, they will soon have total control. We can not let this happen. So once again I’m stressing this to you: vote. It is our only hope.
Tonight I will knell down and pray for the first time since my Father got ill. I will pray for victory. I will pray that America will be once again become the greatest nation on earth. I will pray for justice. I will pray to every god in the heavens. I will pray that tonight we will find out that, this time, we will be the champions. I will pray for all of us. I will pray for America.